Oil filtration

Mechanical particals and water removal from lubricating oil and technological fluids (oil and fluids filtration) – based on required parameters and cleanliness by the customer, we provide on site filtration of the oil along with analysing the cleanliness by particular counter. Filtration is being done during regular operation of the machine, so there is no lost production. Normally filtration is required even at the oil change or new fill as the dust from outside or particles left in the machines from the previous fill deteriorate immediatelly the new filling*.

Water removal from the oil is very much depending on the total content of the water in the oil and it is important to consider economical advantege of the water removal based on the oil analysis, as even after the removal there is a chance of problems with the lubricating oil. This needs to be consulted carefully according to actual readings and conditions. 

*More than ¾ of all problems can be traced back to contaminated oil. Monitoring oil cleanliness is therefore the most important factor in preventing system failures.

Monitoring hardware only detects around 20 % of all unplanned downtimes.

REXROTH – Oil Cleanliness booklet